Come on, I'm sure everyone of you out there definately wants to obtain mass filling your muscles and in addition adding strength to your mass stacked body. With the figure alone you, you only look great but you must have the awesome strength, then you are GREAT! Now I present to you 7 Perfect Mass Stacking and Hulk Like Strength Power Building Formula.
My dear friends out there, hold tight to your seats and hang on.
1.Eat Like A Beast
The only way you're going to move up to the top of the food chain is to eat like a Beast. In other words, to gain muscle, you need to stay in a state of energy excess. Make sure you get at least a gram or two of protein for every pound of bodyweight and at least three to four grams of carbs. Eat quality fats like those found in flaxseed oil, olive oil, and natural peanut butter. And finally, cut out the off-season cardio, as this will only increase your calorie requirements.
2.Rely On Basic Movements
Basic movements have cranked out more champions than you can count. You've got the bench, the squat and the DL. These should be a part of your arsenal. To these big three, you can add your basic barbell curls, military presses, and the like.
3.Be Tough As Nails When It Comes To Training
This is the very basic,you got to train heavy to grow. That's right, but don't forget to train hard with high intensity. To make muscles explode, you got to annihilate them in the gym. You can train with poundages heavier than you can handle, but if you ignore proper form, you're going to miss the target muscles you're trying to hit. The main rule, train at 60-80% of your one rep max. Or, put on enough poundage where you can only crank out 6-10 reps per set at full intensity.
4.Lack No Rest!
Most people overlooked the most important aspect of bodybuilding is REST. Training in the gym tears down your muscles. Sleep is the time when your body rebuilds the damaged muscles in your body. Without enough sleep, you'll never grow like you want. So make sure you stack enough zZz at night. You'll know what your body needs. As a guide, get rid of your alarm clock. When you wake up on your own, means you've slept enough.
5.Don't Overtrain
Overtraining can set you back months, even years. In terms of bodyparts, stick to training each bodypart only once a week!! Like sleep, you need to make sure you give your muscles plenty of rest between each training session. In terms of sets, there's a baker's dozen and then there's a bodybuilder's dozen. For each bodypart, you should stick to twelve total reps. Again, pick a couple of basic movements, about three or four for each bodypart, and do three to four sets for each exercise. You're probably thinking this is going to be easy, but trust me, if you do the sets right, you're going to be in for a world of hurt. And if you're not, your not lifting hard enough. Finally, don't spend more than 90 minutes per training session. Anything more, and you'll run the risk of overtraining.
6.Rest At Home, Not In The Gym
You should never rest for more than 2 minutes between sets. In 90-120 seconds, you have just enough time to catch your breath and hit that next set with maximum intensity. Rest beyond 2 minutes, and you run the risk of losing your pump. Once you lose the pump, forget about it. Your training is shot.
7.Consistency & Variation
Consistency means training when you're supposed to, not making lame excuses to watch TV or head to the bar. More than any other sport, bodybuilding requires a serious level of commitment and dedication. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. So when it's back day, you do back.Take your training like a man. While you need to be consistent when it comes to training, you should also consider adding to variety to your routine to avoid bordom.
Mix up the order of your exercises. Change the grip here and there. Add a few drop sets for a change. The human body is highly adaptive. Keep it guessing
Sunday, October 14, 2007
7 Mass & Power Secret
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8:01 AM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Best Ways On Increasing Size To Your Muscles.
What would you say if I told you there is a way on increasing more muscle size in a lesser amount of time? For those of you who are interested, I'll attempt to explain a very underestimated training technique that will shock your muscles into extreme growth.
If you've been training for any length of time, you'll come to realize that your strength and size gains begin to slow down and become harder to achieve. Even though you may have used supersets in your training before, you may not know it in all its forms, or the many different ways to incorporate it into your workouts.
A superset differs from a normal set in three ways. First of all, a superset is performed with extremely little to no rest between sets, whereas you may rest up to 60 seconds between two normal sets. Secondly, a superset incorporates two different exercises which impacts the same body part, whereas a normal set has only one exercise and this will not really push your muscles to the very limits. And last but not least, supersets forces you to perform a set until failure wherelse a normal set does not push you to the most extreme. By definition, a superset is a technique where you perform two exercises in a row with next to no rest in between.
Supersets are excellent for developing muscularity, but are not, however, overly effective for building strength. They are not effective for building strength due to a reduction in the amount of weight you can handle. This reduction in weight is caused by fatigue due to lack of recuperation between sets.
Advantages Of Supersets
Supersets save time by reducing the rest interval between two exercises.
Shortening the rest period between sets will increase intensity by performing more work in less time. This is especially true if you are used to long periods of rest between sets.
Supersets also allow you to increase the intensity of your workout by overloading a muscle. This may be performed without the usual heavy weights since the muscle is destroyed by 2 exercises without rest.
As I mentioned above, there are different types of supersets.
There are 5 primary categories that supersets fall under.
The most common type of superset is the same muscle group superset. This is performed using 2 different exercises for the same muscle group. For example, supersetting dumbbell curls with barbell preacher curls. Within this category of superset, there is 3 sub-categories.
1. Pre-exhaustion superset is probably the most effective type of superset. A pre-exhaust superset is performing an isolation exercise first, followed by a compound movement. The idea behind pre-exhaustion is to take a muscle beyond its normal point of exhaustion, therefore stimulating more muscle fibers. The only real drawback with pre-exhaustion is you will only be able to use a fraction of your normal weight for the compound exercise.
2. Compound supersets can produce amazing muscle growth in a very short period of time since you are performing two compound exercises, one after another. This can be brutal on the nervous system and requires extra recovery time after a workout. The major disadvantage with compound supersets is that your form can get sloppy, increasing your chances of getting injured. 3. Isolation supersets are performed by supersetting two isolation exercises, such as rope press-downs and kickbacks. This becomes useful during pre contest or when you want to get ripped and defined. This is definitely not a method for gaining mass.
4. I find that opposing muscle group supersets are extremely effective because while one muscle is working, the other is resting. Since this type of superset allows your muscle to rest for a short period, it will allow you to build strength, as well as size. For example, biceps and triceps is a very common set of muscles used in opposing muscle group supersets.
5. The final type of superset is the staggered sets supersets. A staggered set is where you combine a major muscle with a smaller, completely unrelated muscle. This technique allows you to bring up a weak body part by working it to a greater extent each week. For example, throw in a set of calf raises between your sets of seated rows.
ConclusionIf you use this information, and apply it to your workouts, I can guarantee that you will see an increase in muscular growth. They will increase the intensity of your workouts, allowing you to blast through any plateaus you may be struggling with. One thing you have to be careful of though, is overtraining.
Supersets damage muscle tissue to such an extent, that you need to allow for sufficient recovery time. I suggest using supersets every two to three weeks
Other then supersets, increasing weight or resistance,performing more repetition(keep it in the range of 6-12 reps is the best to stimulate muscle fibers), performing more sets(maximum of 5 sets) and moving resistance slower than normal( tempo 322)
More advanced methods are as follows:
1.Pre-exhaust (perform an isolation exercise first and immediately continue with no rest on a compound movement. ex. chest flye and then chest press)*this has already been mentioned above.
2.Static holds (hold the resistance in the hardest position of the range of motion. ex. the top position during a leg extension)
3.Partial reps in weak range (perform a portion of the rep where you are weakest. ex. the top half of a rep of leg extensions)
4.Strip-set (after a warm-up set, perform 3 sets back to back with no rest while starting with the heaviest weight possible and each time strip off some weight to allow you to continue)
1 1/2 reps (perform one full rep and then on the second rep only perform half the normal range of motion and then return to starting position to begin the next rep. ex. one full rep of lat pulldowns, pull second rep all the way down, resist weight back up but only half way and then pull back down)
These are just a few examples of methods of increasing intensity to ensure progress. The key point to remember is that whatever you do it must be progressive in order for it to elicit a physical change. This is even more critical for those looking to increase muscle size.
Although this blog is geared towards individuals who are interested in gaining muscle size, the principles can also be used for individuals who want to build strength, increase metabolism, or tighten and tone muscles. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO SQUEEZE/FLEX or whaever you want to call it WHEN YOU ARE LIFTING WEIGHT. Believe me it absolutely, without a doubt gives you an extremely pumped feeling in your muscles because it stimulates muscle fibers.
General Recommendations For Different Goals
If your goal is to tighten and tone muscles:
Focus on increasing reps(15 reps and above), decreasing rest, and changing exercises frequently.Training each muscle group twice per week and performing fewer sets of many different exercises (1-2 sets per exercise)
If your goal is to increase strength and power:
Focus on increasing weight lifted. Train each muscle group once every 7-10 days.
perform multiple sets of each exercise (2-5 sets per exercise) and remeber to do low reps(1-5 reps but with heavy weights).
If your goal is to increase muscle size:
Focus on shocking muscles by changing variables frequently (exercises, set and rep schemes, rest time, etc).Train each muscle group on a variable schedule (experiment by training a muscle group 3 times a week and then once every ten days).Performing multiple sets for a while and the perform single sets for a week or two and keep your repetition at the range of 6- 12 only!
Final Reminders
The recommendations above are general and of course would need to be adapted and adjusted for your personal goals and experience. For those of you who are advanced and may be thinking there's no way you can build strength by training once every 10 days I challenge you to try it for at least 4 weeks, or those of you who think that you need to stick to the same basic movements like bench to build size I challenge you to try shocking the muscles by changing the exercises you perform each week for 4 weeks, and those of you with little experience I hope that you'll throw away the fitness magazines and learn what really works. And another reminder before I forget. Remember to get sufficient rest(at least 8 hours of sleep) and you have to eat well to grow well(do not expect to grow like Arnold, Ronnie or even Jay Cutler if you are going to eat like tweety bird). Keep all this totally proven facts in mind.
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8:52 AM
Monday, October 1, 2007
A Guide To Build Massive Biceps
The days are far from gone when you walk into the gym and see 9 out of 10 guys doing bicep curls all at the same time with the same determination to add even 1/4 inch to their biceps. Training biceps has become almost an 'obsessive addiction' in the gym. I have seen guys do bicep curls in between sets just so they can 'see' a little bit of a pump in their arms.
I have seen guys spend an entire hour bent over doing concentration curls while starring in the mirror. I have seen guys take weights on vacation so that they can do some bicep curls at their hotel before they go into the club! I have seen guys spend longer amounts of times shopping for t-shirts than girls shopping for a blouse with the hope that one of these shirts will make his arms look 'good.'
Someone disagree with me that bicep training has become an unhealthy 'obsessive addiction.' for many. In the "Skinny Arms" defense, the allure of peaked, mountainous biceps will never go away. Why should it? The 'guns' are of a man's most prized possessions and one of many women's most desired body parts on a man (of course)!
My question is if 9 out of 10 guys are obsessed with seeing their biceps grow and dedicate so much of their workout volume to isolating their biceps and using every technique from forced reps, drop sets, and 21's which are 'promised' to be the most effective methods confirmed by pro bodybuilders, why do they still have little to show for their efforts?
Let's examine five of the most common problems with bicep training before I offer a step-by-step program to take your bicep peak to new heights.
5 Common Problems With Bicep Training
Problem #1 - More Is Not Always Better:
If doing 4 sets is better than 3 sets, why don't you just do 10 sets? Even better, why don't you just train them all day? It has been said before, but it obviously needs to be said again: "Less is often more." Especially if you are not gifted with "muscle-friendly" genes.
Your goal of each weight training workout should be to simply 'out do' your last workout. Once you achieve this with an extra pound or a few extra reps, then it is time to move to the next exercise. Not to Nazi-torture the muscle for another hour.
I have found this a hard concept for many skinny guys to grasp because they are fixated on the instant gratification of making their biceps 'look' big during the workout and not what they look like when they leave the gym, which leads us to our next problem.
Problem #2 - Being More Obsessed With How They Look While You Train Rather Than When You Are Not Training!
Problem #2 ties in with problem #1. The truth is that the longer you train your biceps, even if the weights are not extremely heavy, you can achieve a fairly decent pump that can turn a few heads while in the gym. This attention and perception that you are doing something beneficial is deceiving.
Yes, there is something to say about keeping blood in the muscle as long as possible, but if the workout is done with weights that do not overload your muscles and emphasize an increase in strength, your biceps will quickly deflate back to normal with no true muscle growth.
Click To Enlarge. Overload Those Muscles!
Problem #3 - Not Focusing On Increasing Your Overall Strength:
Some of the biggest guys I know rarely even train their arms. What they do though is put a strong emphasis around increasing their chest, back and shoulder strength. If you simply focus on increasing the weights on your rows, pull ups and chin-ups, rest assured that your biceps will come along for the ride and grow proportionally.
However, if you are always blasting and 'smoking' your biceps, they will always be fatigued when you train your back muscles and, as you should know, you are only as strong as your weakest link. This is another reason to take a lower volume approach to arm training.
Problem #4 - Using The Same Bicep Exercises Every Time:
Every pro bodybuilder will put their money on two of the simplest exercises for building huge biceps - barbell curls and dumbbell curls. According to the pros, these two exercises have built more huge guns than any other exercise in the world.
I definitely agree that these 'simple' exercises are a safe foundation to build a program around, but let's also remember that pro bodybuilders using steroids are going to have a strong response to practically any exercise they do.
I have no problem using these two exercises under one condition - you are getting stronger from week to week. As long as you are increasing the weights and reps relative to perfect form, then your arms should continue growing. Aim to build your barbell curls up to 110 pounds for a few "slow speed" sets and your dumbbell curls up to 50 pounds for a few "slow-speed" sets that involve zero rocking and swaying.
Once you build your barbell curls up to 110 pounds, you will be ready to try these two different angles on the bar. You will have to drop your weights a bit, but stick with these two variations until you build back up to 110 pounds:
Bicep Exercise 1: "Stress" the outer portion of the bi's by placing your elbows outwards and using a super-close grip.
Bicep Exercise 2: "Stress" the inner portion of the bi's by taking a super-wide grip on the bar and digging your elbows into your side (and don't let them move.)
Bicep Exercise 3: To "stress" the brachialis and brachioradialis stick to good old fashioned hammer curls and reverse curls. Don't underestimate these two exercises in the slightest.
Problem #5 - Not Enough Tension On The Muscle:
I think many weight trainees do not fully grasp the concept of isolating and actually training a muscle. They do not know how to make the muscle work and fatigue. Instead, you see a lot of swinging, momentum and sloppy lifting used to move the weight from every part of the body except the one they are actually trying to train.
The biceps have a very strong response to "constant tension," which means you should never give them a chance to breathe. Keep the bar constantly moving without pausing at the top or bottom. Focus on squeezing the heck out of the bar and never let your biceps relax until the set is over.
Your entire goal is to not allow any oxygen into the muscle which creates a spike with your anabolic hormones to promote muscle growth.
Resort to a slower 3-0-3 or 4-0-4 tempo to get the job done.
4 Week Bicep Prioritization Program
Below is a sample 4 Week Bicep Prioritization Program:
Exercises Sets Reps Tempo Rest
Bent Over Rows 3-4 6-10 322 2 min
Pull Ups 3-4 6-10 322 2 min
Elbows in Wide Grip Curls 3 6-10 322 2 min
Wide Grip Shrugs 3-4 6-10 322 2 min
Stiff Leg Deadlifts 3-4 6-10 322 2 min
Workout B: Push Day (Large To Small Muscles)
Exercises Sets Reps Tempo Rest
Incline Barbell Press 3-4 6-10 322 2 min
Standing DB Shoulder Press 3-4 6-10 322 2 min
Close Grip Bench Press 3 6-10 322 2 min
Seated Calve Raises 3-4 6-10 322 2 min
1- Leg Box Squats 3-4 6-10 322 2 min
Exercises Sets Reps Tempo Rest Dips 3-4 6-10 322 2 min
*Remember to always squeeze the muscle when you are lifting and lowering and keep the tempo low. People might say that slow is not good but when you keep it slow, u stimulate the muscles even more.Keep this in mind always because it makes a world of difference my dear friends!
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10:36 PM